Health Professional Education Courses
Clinical Medical Assistant Program
The Clinical Medical Assistant Programis designed to prepare the student to work in the clinical setting of the physician’s office, walk-in clinic, podiatrist, chiropractor, or other healthcare facilities. The students will be prepared to handle the back office, assisting the physician, and will encompass all aspects of the clinical office. The Clinical Medical Assistant works under the auspices of the physician at all times and can do anything for which he/she is trained. The Clinical Medical Assistant course is designed to enhance and complement and to ensure the highest quality of care to patients and efficiency in the operation of the physician’s office.
- Day classes are scheduled Monday–Friday 9:00AM–3:00PM (22 weeks).
- Evening classes are scheduled M, T, & TH 6:00PM–10:00PM (40 weeks).
- You may register up until the week before classes start (space permitting).
Medical Billing & Coding Program
The Medical Billing & Coding Programis designed to prepare the student so they are proficient in physicians’ offices, hospitals, long-term health facilities, hospice, assisted living, and insurance companies. They are prepared with ample knowledge in the following: organizing and managing health information data, clarifying diagnoses, and obtaining additional patient information from the physician. Students will also learn how to optimize patient reimbursement by using correct coding methods and insurance preparation to include Medicare, Medicaid, Tri-Care, worker’s compensation, HMOs, and private insurances.
- Day classes are scheduled Monday–Friday 9:00AM–3:00PM (25 weeks).
- Evening classes are scheduled M, T, & TH 6:00PM–10:00PM (50 weeks).
Phlebotomy Course
The Phlebotomy Course is designed to prepare the student so they are proficient in clinical laboratories in hospitals, physician’s offices, and all other ambulatory healthcare services. Students will be prepared to obtain patient’s blood specimens by venipuncture and micro collection. Students will also learn anatomy and physiology; how to select equipment; additives that are used in blood collection; transporting, handling, and processing specimens; infection control; safety precautions; and HIPAA, as well as working as a healthcare team member.
- Day classes are scheduled Monday-Friday 9AM-3PM. (2.5 wks)
- Evening classes are scheduled M,T, & TH 6PM-9PM. (6.5 wks)
Contact Us

Allied Health Careers Institute is authorized for operation as a post secondary educational institution by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. In order to view detailed job placement and completion information on the programs offered by Allied Health Careers Institute, please visit
Allied Health Careers Institute
630 Broadmor Blvd., Suite 120
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Office: (615) 396-8733
Fax: (615) 396-8687
Monday - Friday
8:30am – 5pm
Tennessee Higher Education Commission
312 Rosa L. Parks Ave., 9th Floor
Nashville TN 37243